The Communications Technology Program (CTP) provides communications resources and tools, such as amplified and captioned phones, smartphones, and tablets, as well as ring signalers and neck loops or headsets and specialized equipment at no charge to qualified deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind.
This technology gives a person access to family and the community at large. The program will update the list of devices that are available as needed.
Communication technology devices for the deaf and hard of hearing
Home Phones, Ring Signalers, and Amplified Devices
- Amplified Telephones
- Captioned Telephones
- Ring signalers
- Personal Listening Devices
Smartphones, Tablets, and Cell Phones
- iPhone smartphone
- Android smartphone
- Apple and Android tablets
- Flip phone
- Simple smartphone
- Ring signalers
- Personal Listening Devices
DeafBlind Devices (iCanConnect aka National Deaf-Blind Equipment Distribution Program)
- Assessment
- Telecommunications Equipment
- Training
Demonstration Centers & Equipment Vendors
Phone and Internet Assistance
Lifeline – Universal Service Administrative Company
List of participating companies who are providing service
Wireless Service Providers
Rules and Regulation
Disclaimer: On-line versions of these regulations are the most current versions available; however, these are not official publication. For official publication of these and all State of Colorado regulations, please consult the Code of Colorado Regulations (12 CCR 2516-1) or contact Lexis- Nexis at 1-800-227-9597 or the Secretary of State, Information Center at 303-894-2200, x6418.
12 CCR 2516-1
Rule Manual 27 - Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind
The Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind administers and discharges funding as appropriated by the general assembly for the administration of a communications technology program (CTP), to distribute communications technology to qualified residents of Colorado.
“Anniversary date” means the same date, but on subsequent years, that the applicant was approved for the Communications Technology Program.
“Applicant” means a person who applies to receive communications device(s) under the auspices of the Communications Technology Program.
“Application” means the official paperwork approved by the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind used for the Communications Technology Program.
“Approved date” means the date that all supporting documentation for the application is received and verified for acceptance by the Communications Technology Program.
“Certification” means professional verification of the applicant’s hearing acuity.
“Certifying professional” means those individuals who have been officially recognized by the Communications Technology Program to verify the applicant’s hearing acuity, as indicated in Section 27.130.
“Commission” means the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind (CCDHHDB), created pursuant to Section 26-21-104, C.R.S.
“Communications technology” means any communication device or application utilizing radio, television, cellular phone, computer and network hardware and software, satellite, cable, broadband systems, or similar medium and the services and applications associated with those mediums, including video and teleconference services pursuant to section 26-21-103(4), C.R.S.
“Device” means any tool or application that provides communications access.
“Fiscal constraint” means when seventy-five percent (75%) of the appropriated program funds have been disbursed or encumbered.
“Fraud” means the intentional deception and misreporting of information in order to obtain telecommunications equipment through this program.
“Natural disaster” means an event of nature such as tornadoes, earthquakes, blizzards, floods, forest fires, dust storms, avalanches, hailstorms, and lightning strikes.
“Resident” means an individual who lives in the State of Colorado as his/her primary residence.
“Tool” means any device or application that provides communications access.
“Vendor” means a company or individual who has successfully bid with the State of Colorado for the purposes of the Communications Technology Program and has received such designation.
“Wireless device” means a device that enables deaf, hard-of-hearing or deafblind individuals to access a wireless network.
To be eligible for communications devices under the Communications Technology Program, the applicant shall meet all of the following eligibility criteria:
- The applicant must be a legal resident of the state of Colorado and provide a valid address on the application.
- An applicant’s minimum age for a wireless device is thirteen (13) years old. The minimum age for all other devices is five (5) years old. The applicant must be able to benefit from and use the equipment for its intended communications technology purpose.
- If the applicant is under eighteen (18) years of age; parents or guardians shall apply on behalf of child/minor and assume full responsibility for the device(s).
- If the applicant is eighteen (18) years of age or older and has a guardian; the guardian shall apply on behalf of the applicant and assume full responsibility for the device(s).
- The applicant must be deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind. This determination must be made at the applicant’s expense by one of the following:
- A licensed physician or medical professional;
- A licensed audiologist;
- A Licensed Speech-Language Pathologist;
- A Service professional from a public or private agency that serves deaf, hard of hearing or deafblind.
The applicant’s household income must be less than 400% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines (FPG) based on family size as indicated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). FPG refers to figures set by the HHS annually. These figures, based on gross yearly income levels for corresponding household size, are included in the below table. Effective January 15, 2025, yearly gross income levels, for four hundred percent (400%) of the FPG for the corresponding household size are as follows:
Number of persons in a family/household | Maximum Income |
1 | $62,600 |
2 | $84,600 |
3 | $106,600 |
4 | $128,600 |
5 | $150,600 |
6 | $172,600 |
7 | $194,600 |
8 | $216,600 |
for each additional person, add | $22,000 |
The applicant must demonstrate proof of household annual gross income by providing a copy of his/her Federal Income Tax return (front page only), a Social Security Income award letter or other proof approved by the CTP Manager.
Applicants shall be placed on a waiting list during times of fiscal constraint.
The Communications Technology Program shall provide assistance in completing forms when requested by an applicant.
The applicant shall determine what accommodations are needed to ensure effective communications access based on demonstration and consultation. CTP may verify and certify the request and require further documentation and justification.
- Information about how to obtain and submit an application, both paper and electronic, may be found through the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind office, its website, or designated public and private agencies.
- The Communications Technology Program shall review all applications on a non-discriminatory basis to determine whether:
- All of the information is completed on the application.
- The applicant has provided a valid street address. If a P.O. Box is used, then a physical address of the location where the applicant resides must be provided.
- The application has the applicant’s original or electronic signature.
- The application includes all required documentation.
27.141 Approved Applications
Applicants who meet all of the eligibility requirements will be notified by email or mail of their application approval within 60 days of receipt.
Eligible applicants shall be awarded program participation on a first-come, first- served non-discriminatory basis, in accordance with the approved date.
27.142 Pending Approved Applications
During times of fiscal constraint, applications shall be accepted and held as pending until such time as funds become available. Such applications will be pending up to twelve (12) months. If after this time period funds are still not available, then a new application must be submitted. Applicants will be notified that they need to reapply.
27.143 Denied Applications
If the applicant is ineligible to participate in the program, the applicant shall be given written justification for the determination within sixty (60) calendar days of the denial determination.
The following are reasons for denying an application:
- The applicant does not meet the eligibility requirements as established.
- The applicant has received communications technology from the Communications Technology Program within the preceding four (4) years.
- The applicant has negligently or willfully damaged the communications device(s) received from the Communications Technology Program or violated other provisions of the administrative regulations governing the Communications Technology Program.
- The applicant fails to provide a police report of a stolen device or refuses to cooperate with the police investigation or in the prosecution of the suspect, including the refusal to testify in court when asked or subpoenaed to do so.
- The applicant is found negligent in a police report of a stolen device, such as doors to the house or car left unlocked or unattended.
- The applicant has lost or sold communications technology.
Any applicant who has been denied participation may reapply if, due to a change in conditions, the eligibility criteria as delineated in this document are met.
27.144 Dispute Resolution Process
In order to resolve disputes between the Communications Technology Program and applicants/recipients, the Commission shall adopt procedures for the resolution of disputes consistent with this section. The procedures shall be designed to establish a simple non-adversarial format for the informal resolution of disputes.
The approved applicant is responsible for selecting the appropriate communications device(s). If the communications device(s) that is currently provided by the Communications Technology Program does not meet the recipient’s needs:
- The recipient may make a special request for an appropriate device that better meets his/her needs.
- The recipient is responsible for the maintenance and repair of the device(s) selected through the Communications Technology Program. All communications technology will come with a warranty.
27.151 Replacing the Communications Technology Device
A recipient may apply to replace the original communications technology device if:
- The device is damaged through natural disaster;
- There is a change in the recipient’s hearing or vision acuity;
- New communications technology has become available through the Communications Technology Program which the CTP Manager determines to be more appropriate to the recipient’s communications needs; or,
- The identified anniversary date has passed and the recipient has had the communications technology for more than four (4) years.
27.152 Pending Replacement Applications
During times of fiscal constraint, applications for replacement shall be accepted and held as pending until such time as funds become available.
27.153 Damaged Device Due to Natural Disasters
- The recipient must send the device(s) directly to the vendor that sent the device.
- The manufacturer or vendor will certify that the equipment cannot be repaired due to a natural disaster.
If a device is stolen, for the purposes of program recordkeeping, the recipient shall:
- Notify local police within fifteen (15) calendar days of the theft.
- Forward a copy of the police report to Communications Technology Program within five (5) working days of the date the theft was reported.
All vendors shall follow State procurement requirements.
27.161 Vendor Registration
Vendors seeking to contract with the Colorado Commission for the Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and DeafBlind for any Communications Technology Program function must register for the Bid Information and Distribution System (BIDS) with the State Purchasing Office and be in accordance with the State Procurement Rules (1 CCR 101- 9) and these CTP rules. Vendors submit all information required by these rules to the Commission in order to be reimbursed. Vendors must register with the Secretary of State as a for-profit or not-for-profit business in the State of Colorado.
The following minimum standards shall apply to vendor participation in the Communications Technology Program:
- Vendors shall submit documentation to the Commission that the vendor has registered with the State Purchasing Office and the Secretary of State’s Office as required in Section 27.161.
- The Commission must receive all required registration information before a vendor will be reimbursed. Reimbursements will be made by electronic funds transfer into the vendor’s registered bank account.
- If the submitted registration information is incomplete, the Commission will notify the vendor of any deficiency, if it is able to make contact based on the information provided.
- Vendors are responsible for updating registration information. The Commission is not responsible for any loss resulting from incorrectly supplied registration information.
- Vendors must submit vendor registration information prior to any sales transactions in order to ensure payment.
- In the event that a vendor is suspended or disbarred from doing business in the State of Colorado or with the Federal government, the Commission shall notify the vendor that it is no longer eligible to receive reimbursements under this program.
27.170 FRAUD
If a recipient obtained communications technology under false premises or through intentional misrepresentation of facts on the Communications Technology Program application form, then the Communications Technology Program shall demand return of the equipment immediately. Upon demand, the recipient shall return the specified Communications Technology Program device(s). A determination of fraud will result in permanent disqualification from the program.
All applicant and recipient information shall be kept confidential in compliance with the Colorado Human Services Code (Section 26-1-114, C.R.S.). This is to prevent exploitation of applicants and recipients, to eliminate embarrassment to them, and is in recognition of their rights as self-determining individuals who are not limited because of their need for communications technology.
27.181 Information Not Considered to be Confidential for Data Purposes [Rev. eff. 4/1/10]
General program information not identified with any individual is not confidential and may be released for any purpose. This includes:
- Total expenditures;
- Number of applicants and/or recipients;
- Statistical data obtained from studies;
- Social data obtained from studies, reports, or surveys;
- Expenditures by category of equipment;
- Expenditures for administration;
- Sum of all program expenditures.
27.191 Quarterly Report
The CTP Manager shall provide the CCDHHDB Director and Commissioners a quarterly report on the operation of the Communications Technology Program. The report shall be due the 30th following the last month of the quarter, provide:
- The number of persons served;
- The number of each type of device distributed;
- The expenditures of the program activities;
- Discussion of any major policy or operational issues;
- Suggestion(s) for program changes that do not require legislative action; and,
- Suggestions or proposals for legislative changes in the program.
Program Contact
Communications Technology Program
JoAnne Hirsch, Manager
P 303-866-2097
VP 720-949-7457
Income Eligibility
To be eligible to receive devices, your household income must be below 400% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines, as shown in the following table:
Number of persons in a family/household | Maximum Income |
1 | $62,600 |
2 | $84,600 |
3 | $106,600 |
4 | $128,600 |
5 | $150,600 |
6 | $172,600 |
7 | $194,600 |
8 | $216,600 |
for each additional person, add | $22,000 |